Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Crazy from the Heat

So summer is in high gear in DC, and you know what that means: tourists are lumbering, red-faced and sweating, through the nation’s capital. And as I walked through Union Station today, on my way to work, I noticed a veritable epidemic of bad boobage. Does no one check themselves out in the mirror before leaving the privacy of home? Are women incapable of purchasing properly fitting support garments?

Maybe in this heat people are just letting it all hang out. When I was a kid in Massachusetts, WBCN's morning DJ, Charles Laquidera, used to call a day like this a "No Underwear Day." I'm wearing a thong, so I'm only half-following his advice. But rest assured, I've got my Body by Victoria bra on, so my boobage is fully covered.

At 2:18, the current temperature in downtown Washington is: 97 degrees. The weatherman says we'll hit 100. Tomorrow, more of the same, with the so-called "heat index" hitting 115. On days like these, I actually have to remind myself on the walk home that it's not a good idea to strip off one's clothes on Massachusetts Avenue. (Note to self: Keep clothes ON.) Maybe tomorrow I'll take Laquidera's advice and go commando. But I'll be wearing the bra.

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