Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Countdown to Ecstasy

I am obsessed with the show The Office. OBSESSED.

I came very late to the party, tuning in for just the last three episodes of season 2 when the shows aired last spring. But I really liked what I saw, so I Netflixed the first season and then waited, impatiently, for the release of season 2.

Season 2 is here, and omigod! I am hooked. I am racing to finish the DVDs before the premiere of season 3 on Thursday. But I am hampered by a need to watch the deleted scenes and the commentaries, as well as the actual shows themselves, and by a husband who doesn't have the stamina to sit through more than three episodes at a time. I could have burned through them in no time if I didn't have him holding me back. (Slacker.)

I haven't been this into a show since Felicity. I love Dwight (Dwigt), I love Kevin, but most of all: I love John Krasinski. I can spot those Boston boys a mile away.

But you know, the older I get, the more I feel like Wooderson in Dazed & Confused. Cute guys: I get older, they stay the same age. I recently realized that JK is 13 years younger than I. ~sigh~



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