Monday, June 11, 2007

Cut the shit!

I used to be a dog lover, but 15 years of living on Capitol Hill has cured me. I know I should blame the owners and not the dogs. What the hell is wrong with people that they leave their dogs’ shit lying around? The problem is especially noticeable when there is snow on the ground. Too many dog owners appear to be under the impression that dogshit will melt when the snow does.

Of course, Capitol Hill is not alone in housing selfish, short-sighted people. Georgetown is full of them, too. Last week I watched a small (leashed) dog defecate on the sidewalk in front of my son’s school and then gaped as the owner simply walked away. Incredulous, I called after her, “I hope my child doesn’t step in that.” The woman turned and said, in this helpless, whatcha-gonna-do? voice, “I didn’t bring a bag with me.” WTF? Why would you take your dog out for a walk without a bag? I looked her square in the eyes and said, sarcastically, “Nice.” Then she started digging through her purse—gee, she remembers to take her $400 purse with her when she leaves the house, but that plastic bag just slips the mind—and pulled one out, saying triumphantly, “Oh! I found one!” Like I was supposed to congratulate her for cleaning up after her pet.

Lately, you can’t swing a cat in Lincoln Park without stepping in dogshit or being run over by a dog off its leash. It makes me certifiably INSANE. Ape-shit, if you will.



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