Garden Update, 6/7/07
The Sun Sugar cherry tomatoes are turning orange! I also have a few green Dona tomatoes and one green Carmen pepper.
The beans are really growing. I planted the first few squares on April 20th, and they are supposed to take ~8 weeks from sprout (or planting?) to harvest. That means we might have some beans next weekend.
The beets are almost ready—beginning in a week or so, I think.
The basil is thriving, and the oregano looks happier than it did at first. The thyme is still struggling along. The okra and nasturtiums have sprouted.
The onions are starting to look more healthy but are still small and are growing very slowly. The Minnesota midget melon is also a slow-grower so far. The zucchini, on the other hand, is like Audrey from Little Shop of Horrors--it seems to grow inches overnight and is taking over the entire corner of the garden. Looks kinda skeery, too.
Labels: urban gardening
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